Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gratitude and JOY!

Cultivating Gratitude and Joy :  Letting go of Scarcity and Fear of the Dark:
Week 5 of the ecourse with Brene Brown on Oprah Life Class and our intention is:

"I will practice gratitude to access joy.  I will stop and take notice of those small things that make my life better, the things that are easy to overlook until they are gone."

So today, I am grateful for all the love in my life, family, friends, and other beings.  I am grateful for how I am feeling : Connected, Expressed and Open-Hearted.  I am so blessed.

Oprah says that Gratitude is the way home whenever you are feeling lost.  She has a practice of gratitude : each night she writes 5 things in her gratitude journal that she is grateful for.  The effect of this practice is that during the day Oprah is on the look-out for things to write down that evening and has built a strong awareness for the tiny and large things in her life that bring her joy!  Other people I know just verbalize this around the dinner table, each taking turns to voice what they are grateful for that day. Others, whilst they tuck their child in bed at night, or as they say goodnight to their partner.  I am not as consistent as my friends and still have the same gratitude journal from 2 years ago. But whenever I use it, gratitude makes me aware of how blessed I am in my life and opens my heart and lifts my spirit, sometimes a little, but mostly, it soars!  Why don't you give it a bash?

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